By understanding the difference between change and transformation, you can better understand what you are experiencing.
When we go through changes, we have point A (where we are now) and point B (where we want to be). We plan our actions based on what I need to do to get where I want to be. If at some point our plan does not work out, we can always take a step back — rethink or even go back to point A. All our decisions are based on past experience and knowledge (ours and of other people).
Transformation, on the contrary, is incomprehensible to us. We don’t know where we’re going. Transformation is always irreversible. A butterfly cannot go back to being a caterpillar. Therefore, there is worry and even fear. Even when you realize that you are moving towards something new and beautiful — you may still worry. After all, a butterfly does not know that it is becoming a butterfly, and does not know what kind of wings it will have, and whether it will even like being a butterfly. Observing transformation of another person, one can admire both the courage and the choice made by that person, seeing that everything is unfolding amazingly in their life. However, on the inside there is a deep misunderstanding of where I am, who I am … after all, transformation is always a creation from the future, from the Unknown, and not from the past, from the Known — therefore we cannot rely on past experience and knowledge.