Empowering you to embody

the Creator that you really are


Hi, I’m Galya

This space is designed to help you to understand yourself better and deeper from the inside out, to see the invisible connections of events and cirumstances in your life and to manifest your biggest dreams. Buckle up and enjoy your ride!

«You already have everything to make your dreams come true — you have YOU.»



Transformative growth for executives and leaders


— Individual sessions

— Recorded classes

— Live special masterclasses


Workbook «The Best Year of Your Life»


In these classes I will show you how to connect to your Inner Self through drawing. You will see that you already know all the answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. The Magic begins with soothing your conscious mind and allowing your subconscious mind to talk to you through your hand and body. With the help of the drawing you will create your Dream Life.

Types of classes

Explore the magic of neurographics by joining different types of classes

Individual neurographics coaching sessions

A 1-on-1 neurographics coaching session which lasts up to 2h. Each session is unique and I choose the algorithm depending on what will serve you best. Please note that it is not a teaching class.


A transformative 6-class program to make your Dream come true. We will work on our Dream harmonising 4 elements — Soul, Mind, Body and Observer. 

Recorded classes

Dive into neurographics at your own pace and at a perfect time of the day. Recorded classes are up to 2,5h long. Access to the recording is available depending on the chosen plan. Please note it is not a teaching class.

Live special masterclasses

During live classes you will be able to ask questions that you may have creating a more personal and in-depth experience. Depending on the the topic of the class I may use different practices to dive you deeper into the transformation and empowerment. Live classes are up to 2,5h long. Recording is available to participants for 7 calendar days after the class. Please note it’s not a teaching class.

What's it like to live the best year of your life?

Do you have a vision of your Dream Life? Can you actually see and feel it: where are you? what are you doing and experiencing? who is there with you?

When you have a vision of your Dream Life, everything or anything that might be happening in your life, will not knock you down. Everything that you might think is not working ‘right’ will stop having such a great impact on you as you will know that all this is taking you closer to your Dream Life.

Are you ready to empower the Creator in you and make every year of your life the best year of your life?

What is neurographics?
What is neurographics?

Neurographics is a graphical method of thinking, transforming our state and attitude to a problem without words. With the help of Neurographics we connect to our inner self through drawing. Neurographics shows us that our conscious mind doesn’t need to know any...

You don’t need to be an artist to draw neurographics
You don’t need to be an artist to draw neurographics

One of the reasons I hear most often why people resist giving neurographics a try is ‘I can’t really draw, I’m not an artist’. What I love about neurographics is that you don’t need to be an artist to draw it. Each algorithm has a particular sequence of steps that you...

Change vs Transformation
Change vs Transformation

By understanding the difference between change and transformation, you can better understand what you are experiencing. When we go through changes, we have point A (where we are now) and point B (where we want to be). We plan our actions based on what I need to do to...

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